Our Programs and Activities
Why Study Sociology at Northwestern?

As the broadest of all of the social sciences, Sociology provides a wide range of practical and marketable skills, including critical analysis, statistical methods, theory, and field research.
Our majors have gone on to work in law, medicine and public health, consulting, finance, non-profit and public administration, social network research, culture, and the arts.

Graduate Program
Upcoming Events
Urban & Community Workshop: Michelle Shames
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM, Online
The Department of Sociology's Urban & Community Workshop presents: Michelle Shames: Quantifying Quality in Community Policing: A Case S...
Ethnography Workshop: Miguel Chavez
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM, Evanston
Miguel Chavez, Graduate Student of Sociology at Northwestern University: The Making of a Masculine Body: Networks of Luchadors, Steroid...
Department of Sociology Colloquium: Carly Knight, New York Univer...
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM, Evanston
Carly Knight, New York University, presents: "How to Manage the Market: The Construction of the Economic Actor in American Bestselling ...