Clay Davis
Area(s) of Interest: Science & Technology Studies; Sociology of Medicine; Sociology of Knowledge; Health Care Policy & Public Health; Gender & Sexuality; Sociology of Law
Advisor: Epstein
Area(s) of Interest: Science & Technology Studies; Sociology of Medicine; Sociology of Knowledge; Health Care Policy & Public Health; Gender & Sexuality; Sociology of Law
Advisor: Epstein
Area(s) of Interest: Urban Sociology, Political Sociology, Economic Sociology, Sociology of Law, Race and Ethnicity, and Public Policy
Area(s) of Interest: Science, Knowledge, & Technology; Crime, Law, & Deviance; Alcohol, Drugs, & Tobacco
Advisor: Epstein
Area(s) of Interest: Comparative-Historical Sociology; Inequality, Poverty and Mobility; Latin America; Political Sociology; Quantitative and Mixed-Methods; Race, Gender and Class; Social Policy
Area(s) of Interest: Sociology of Education, Inequality, Race and Ethnicity
Advisor: Watkins-Hayes
Area(s) of Interest: Immigration, Race, Ethnicity; Citizenship and Identity; Culture; Education
Area(s) of Interest: Science and Technology Studies, Emotions, Trauma & Violence, Networks, Medical Sociology
Area(s) of Interest: Sociological methods and epistemology, race theory, anti-colonial thought, empire, race and racism, global sociology
Advisor: Pattillo
Area(s) of Interest: Community safety, race and racism, violence, urban social change, mixed methods research design
Advisor: Papachristos