Course Descriptions 2021-2022
Courses primarily for:
Courses Primarily for Undergraduate Students
SOCIOL 101-6 – Birthright Citizenship: Race, Law, and Belonging in the United States
This discussion-based seminar is an introduction to the social scientific and historical study of U.S. citizenship. Debates over immigration and citizenship are long-standing in the United States. And today’s politicians continue to raise concerns over who (as in what kind of people) should be granted membership. These are fundamentally questions over who belongs and who is deserving. Some on the right, including the 45th President, seek to abolish birthright citizenship, claiming it is a “magnet for illegal immigration.”Students will learn the history behind granting citizenship to anyone born in the United States. They explore the history of U.S. citizenship law and learn about the interests and justifications for narrower and more capacious definitions of citizenship. Other than birthright citizenship, what regimes for granting citizenship exist? What are the exceptions to birthright citizenship in the United States? How are decisions about and definitions of rights and membership related to ideas of race? Overall, this course will address how the United States has drawn boundaries of membership in racial terms and explore what this means for envisioning future possibilities. |
SOCIOL 101-6 – Rebellion and its Enemies in China Today
This class will sharpen your writing. You will write and present a seven-to-nine page paper on civic activism in contemporary China. In the process of writing this paper, you will practice identifying a theme you find interesting, formulating an argument, finding data and source material on the internet from China in English translation, and relating your theme to the scholarly literature we read and discuss together in class. Some of the progress you will make in your writing abilities will be technical – what counts as evidence, what is the difference between data and scholarly texts, how do you cite and give credit to those who preceded you; some will be intellectual – how do you refute and how do you prove, how do you evaluate your own argument to be clear about its limitations, how do you assess the political relevance of your theme; and some of it will be emotional – how do you cope with the panic that is welling up when you are expected to tame the chaos of reality into a tidy argument, how do you cope with disappointment and ire when I tell you that your second draft is not good enough, how do you cope with your self-doubts when you are trying to find a needle of evidence in the haystack of the internet under time-pressure? The Chinese have achieved enormous economic growth over the last forty years which has dramatically raised living conditions in China. The Chinese Communist Party has steered this economic development through authoritarian rule which denies the Chinese liberties you take for granted. Thirty-one years ago, the Communist Party killed Chinese who demanded these liberties by employing the military inside the country. Since the massacre of 1989, protest in the streets has moved to networking on the internet. You will write your paper about this challenge to authoritarian rule by engaging some of the following questions: How have urban Chinese lived with the trauma of the massacre? What exactly happened in 1989? Making and uploading videos to the internet is a crucial weapon for activists. How do you evaluate the power of individual videos to force political change? These videos are documentaries, performance art, interviews, covert recordings of state agents, cries for help of fugitives in real time, and witness testimony. The creators of these videos are prepared to take risks because they feel there is something wrong with China today. These feelings are value judgments, or valuations. How do you tease out the values by which activists judge the state and evaluate their lives in China? What in turn are the value judgments of American reporters who report on Chinese activism to the American public? What are the value judgments of American professors who study Chinese activism? And what are your own value judgments: If it turns out that U.S. capitalism in its combination with democracy cannot economically compete with Chinese capitalism in its combination with authoritarian rule, and you were forced to choose, would you choose capitalism or democracy? What parts of your life would be impossible under authoritarian rule? Which line would populism and neo-authoritarianism in America have to cross for you to fight the government? |
SOCIOL-101-6-utopian – First-Year Seminar Topic: Utopian Communities
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in an ideal world? Utopian thought has a long history in Western thought as different writers have attempted to define the ideal community from Plato's Republic through to Thomas More ‘s first coining of "Utopia" as an ideal community in the Sixteenth century. Utopias were often defined as counter critiques of existing social arrangements and at times people actually attempted to create and live in "intentional communities" based on their ideals. In this seminar we will explore fictional and real utopian communities in different historical periods… such as preindustrial agricultural religious settlements (for example the Amish or Oneida), planned industrial communities (the factory town of Pullman in Chicago) and anti-and post-industrial communities (the Walden II "hippy" commune Twin Oaks emerging out of the 60s). We will use these and other cases as critical analyses of existing societies highlighting the social problems of their day…issues such as inequalities of wealth and power, individual versus collective priorities, changing family structure, sexual relations and gender roles, defining and dealing with deviants, and institutions like governance, education, work and leisure. We will explore in detail the founding, the dynamics, and the fates of attempts to live in real utopian communities. We will conclude with a consideration of the role of utopian thought in contemporary society for example the role of digital technology and smart cities in addressing climate change. We will also make use of Chicagoland as a setting to explore utopian thought and communities from the Burnham Master Plan for the City of Chicago itself to Olmsted's planned suburb of Riverdale to the religious community of Zion. |
SOCIOL 110-0 – Introduction to Sociology
Sociology is a field of study that examines how people and groups interact, navigate, and make decisions within the structure and constraints of their social world. Often these social processes go unobserved or unacknowledged, and sociologists treat it as their job to shed analytical light on how people experience and participate in society. Through sociological analysis, we can answer questions like: How did Evanston become largely segregated by race? Why is it illegal for people to sell their kidneys? Is suicide contagious? Why would someone pay for Instagram followers? Sociology is a huge field of study, and includes and enormous variety of topics and methods. Each week, we will focus on a specific area of sociological study (Culture, Gender, Race, Family, Money, Deviance, etc.) with the goal of offering you a general overview of the types of questions sociologists ask and how they answer them. By the end of the quarter, you will be able to think sociologically about your own world, and hopefully develop a budding interest in one or more of the areas we discuss in class. |
SOCIOL 202-0 – Social Problems
In this course, we will investigate how social conditions come to be defined as social problems. This course will be divided into two sections. The first section will be an overview of how sociologists have approached the study of social problems including theoretical perspectives (symbolic interactionist, conflict, structural-functionalist and constructionist perspectives). In this section, we will also conceptually examine the roles of policymakers, social advocates, and the media in the process of defining social problems. In the second section of the course, we will use the perspectives and conceptual tools from the first part to analyze contemporary social problems including the effects of the media and social media on children and teenagers. As a class, we will also examine the debates surrounding several social problem case studies to understand how interested parties can define a similar situation as problematic, but do so for very diverse reasons and in doing so suggest very different solutions. |
SOCIOL 206-0 – Law and Society
Law is everywhere. Law permits, prohibits, enables, legitimates, protects, and prosecutes. Law shapes our day-to-day lives in countless ways. This course examines the connections and relationships of law and society using an interdisciplinary social science approach. As one of the founders of the Law and Society movement observed, "law is too important to leave to lawyers." Accordingly, this course will borrow from several theoretical, disciplinary, and interdisciplinary perspectives (such as sociology, history, anthropology, political science, critical studies, and psychology) in order to explore the sociology of law and law's role primarily in the American context (but with some attention to international law and global human rights efforts). The thematic topics to be discussed include law and social control; law's role in social change; and law's capacity to reach into complex social relations and intervene in existing normative institutions and organizational structures. |
SOCIOL 208-0 – Race and Society
This class will explore the nature of race in an effort to understand exactly what race is. It seeks to understand why race is such a potent force in American society. Close attention will be paid to the relationship between race, power, and social stratification. The course will examine the nature of racial conflict and major efforts to combat racial inequality. |
SOCIOL-211-0 – Food and Society: An Introduction
What makes food social? What is sociological about eating? How does society shape our relationship with food? These are questions at the center of this course. During the span of this quarter, we will learn about the role of food in society, how social norms as well as culture impact our view of food and review the following topic within food and society: Food inequality, food and sustainability, food and gender and lastly, food culture in the US. We will do so by employing a sociological perspective to food that will help is critically engage with something we do every day - preparing and eating food. This is an introductory level class and does not require prior knowledge in sociology or in knowledge production. By the end of the quarter students will view food as a social and community construct that impacts our lives, well-being, and society. |
SOCIOL 215-0 – Economy and Society
This course introduces sociological approaches to economic institutions and behavior. The goal is to provide a set of sociological ideas to understand markets, prices, corporations, supply, demand, production, work, exchange, property, and other economic topics, in a different way. |
SOCIOL 216-0 – Gender and Society
Gender structures our daily lives in fundamental ways, yet we are often unaware of its effects. For example, why do we associate blue with boys and pink with girls? Why do most administrative forms only have two categories (i.e. Male and Female)? Why do male doctors, on average, have higher incomes than female doctors? The course introduces students to the sociological analysis of gender as a central component of social organization and social inequality in the US context. We start by reviewing key sociological concepts that are important to the study of gender. Next, we explore the causes and consequences of gender inequalities in important social institutions such as the family, the education system, and the labor market. We conclude by considering gender inequality in an international comparative context to understand crosscutting similarities and differences between the US and both high- and low-income contexts. This allows us to explore the role social norms and policies play in perpetuating and/or mitigating gender inequalities. |
SOCIOL 220 – Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society
Present-day medicine and health care are flashpoints for a wide array of controversies (many of them exacerbated by the global Covid-19 pandemic). Whose interests should the health care system serve and how should it be organized? How trustworthy is the medical knowledge we rely on when confronted with the threat of illness? How can the ethical character of biomedical research best be ensured? How do we manage health risks in an uncertain world? How can health care be made affordable? Is it possible for the benefits of good health to be shared equitably across lines of social class, race, gender, and nation? What are the proper roles of health professionals, scientists, patients, activists, corporations, and the state in establishing medical, political, economic, and ethical priorities? This course will provide a broad introduction to the domain of health and medicine to take up such controversies as a matter of concern to all. |
SOCIOL 226-0 – Sociological Analysis
How do sociologists do their work? How do they make discoveries and draw conclusions about the social world around us? This course is an introduction to sociological research methods. We will learn how to design a research study - everything from choosing a topic and formulating a research question to developing a research plan. We will explore a range of research methods from surveys, interviewing, observational methods and content analysis to "big" data approaches. We will also think about the strengths and weaknesses of various sociological methods and what these methods can contribute to our understanding of the social world. We will also debate and discuss the role of the researcher in the research process along with thinking about ethical concerns and IRB protections for research subjects. We will also critically examine how social science research is presented to us in our everyday lives (including news reporting, political polls and social media postings). The goal of this course is for students to be able to design an appropriate methods plan to investigate a sociological research question they are interested in, but also to become more critical when learning about the latest social science study from media and social media outlets. |
SOCIOL 227-0 – Legal Studies Research Methods
Legal Studies Research Methods introduces students to research methods used in interdisciplinary legal studies, including jurisprudence and legal reasoning, qualitative and quantitative social science methods, and historical and textual analysis. The course is a prerequisite for the Advanced Research Seminar in Legal Studies, 398-1,- 2, and is intended to prepare students for the design of their own research project to be conducted in 398-1, -2. Through exposure to and engagement with interdisciplinary research methods on law and legal processes, the course will provide students with a deeper understanding of law in its historical and social context. The course will provide students with a set of research tools with which to conduct research on legal institutions. The course builds on content from Legal Studies 206/Sociology 206, a prerequisite for this course. While part of the Legal Studies major sequence, the course will enrich the analytic skills of students from many fields who are interested in law or in interdisciplinary research methods. Prerequisite: LEGAL_ST 206/SOCIOL 206. Taught with LEGAL_ST 207; may not receive credit for both courses. The topical focus of the course will be violence by the police and capital punishment in the United States. These topics will be explored with interdisciplinary readings and relevant legal cases. Students will be exposed to several research tools and research processes, as they also engage with material on police violence and capital punishment. In addition to shorter assignments, students will develop a small research project and write a research paper on a topic of their choosing. |
SOCIOL 276-0 – Neighborhoods and Crime
Crime is often seen as a “city problem.” But not all cities are alike and, more than that, not all neighborhoods are alike. In fact, one of sociology’s most enduring findings is that certain social problems—including crime—are highly concentrated within cities. The central question this course seeks to answer is: “Why do some neighborhoods have higher rates of crime than others?” In addressing this question, the course covers a wide range of theories, paying particular attention to ecological, social structural, and cultural aspects of city-life. In addition to covering the main sociological theories in these areas, the course will also focus on several in-depth topics including: street gangs, the underground economy, immigration, and mass incarceration. |
SOCIOL 276-0 – Critical thought on Race and Ethnicity
This course examines historical and contemporary manifestations of racism/ethnocentrism and anti-racism; and xenophobia/nationalism and internationalism. Racism, ethnocentrism, and nationalism are related in ideas of ancestry and difference, and we will explore together theoretical approaches to understanding the social, cultural, political and economic aspects of difference. The course centers on racialization (how individuals/groups are sorted into races), global and local racial paradigms (the rules of race-making and racial assignment), and why these denigrating mechanisms are so difficult to eradicate. We also examine what antiracism looks like and how it might be achieved. Despite the challenging course content, this class is a blast! |
SOCIOL 288-0 – Institutions and Societies
This course approaches the study of sociological institutions--often referred to as "the rules of the game"--from a design perspective using in-class exercises and applications. We'll work to understand how these institutions emerge and address existing societal problems, ultimately analyzing the potential of different institutional configurations to encourage or discourage desired outcomes. We focus on both coordination-type dilemmas (e.g. how to parent, which side of the street to drive on, who provides health care) and collective-action dilemmas (e.g. how to police fishermen going over quota, funding of public radio). We end with a study of how institutions persist--possibly beyond their useful lifespan--such as the persistence of the intentionally inefficient 'QWERTY' keyboard, and a conversation about why it's difficult to enact policy change. The course has two overarching goals. This first is to develop a new way of approaching and analyzing social institutions. The second is to build skills in critical analysis though case studies and applications with a local Evanston institution. |
SOCIOL 301-0 – The City: Urbanization and Urbanism
Learn different sociological theories about cities and social life and about research that supports or revises those theories. Topics include physical ecology of cities, political economy of cities, social life among social groups, and the question of community, deviance and social control, and planning for the future. |
SOCIOL 302-0 – Sociology of Organizations
We all interact with organizations. You are interacting with an organization right now. Much of everyday life, whether it is school, work, shopping, or eating occurs within the context of organizations. The goal of this course is to teach you to think analytically about the organizations you interact with. Throughout the quarter, we will examine why organizations are the way they are, how scholar’s understandings of organizations have changed over time, and how scholars today think about organizations. |
SOCIOL 303-0 – Analysis and Interpretation of Social Data
This course provides an introduction to statistics for Sociology majors and other students interested in using computer software to analyze non-experimental data. The course will often focus on survey data, but the techniques covered apply broadly to empirical data. Survey data, specifically that derived from the General Social Survey (GSS), will provide the examples for class discussion and the foundation for the final exam. By the end of the course, students will be able to read and interpret research and perform analyses using empirical data. These skills are applicable beyond the conduct of sociological research and will enable students to critically evaluate information not only from the academic realm but from news articles and the world around them. The critical, analytical, and numerical skills developed in this course are valuable ones to have regardless of major or post-graduation plans. Nearly all analysis in the course will be done using the statistical software "Stata". Throughout the course, we will introduce you to the software, helping you build proficiency. These introductions will occur both in class and in lab. |
SOCIOL 305-0 – Population Dynamics
This course provides an overview of how human populations change through mortality, fertility, and migration. This year, we will give special attention to how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted mortality, fertility, and migration in the US and globally. Students will learn key concepts from the field of demography and be introduced to cutting-edge demographic research related to health disparities in the United States, the impact of HIV/AIDS on family life and longevity in Africa, migration patterns within and from Latin America, the reasons behind sex-selective abortions in Asia, and the implications of the current low birthrates in Europe. |
SOCIOL 306-0 – Sociological Theory
The main emphasis in this course is on how sociological theory informs social research. We will read selections of classical social theory and then look at how various scholars have used that theory to help them analyze some aspect of society. We will keep moving between theoretical statements and applications or refinements of that theory. The course will be a mix of lectures and discussion. |
SOCIOL 307-0 – School and Society
This course is a critical sociological look at education in the United States with a focus on contemporary debates and issues. The course will cover how sociologists have both theoretically and empirically looked at schooling practices, what students learn, and how schools fit into the larger society including how the educational system in the U.S. interacts with political, economic, familial, and cultural institutions. We will also spend much time examining how educational experiences and opportunities are shaped by multiple social statuses including gender, socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity. We will focus on K-12 and higher education including the transition to higher education. Throughout all of these issues and topics, we will consider how schools both challenge and support existing systems of inequality. |
SOCIOL 317-0 – Global Development
This course explores the economic and social changes that have constituted "development," and that have radically transformed human society. The course focuses on both the historical experience of Europe and the contemporary experience of countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In the historical discussion, we explore the birth of the "nation state" as the basic organizing unit of the international system; the transition from agrarian to industrial economic systems; and the expansion of European colonialism across the globe. In our discussion of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, we consider the legacies of colonialism for development; the ways in which countries have attempted to promote economic development and industrialization; and issues of inequality and human welfare in an increasingly globally connected world. |
SOCIOL 318-0 – Sociology of Law
This course examines the relationship between law and the distribution of power in society, with a particular emphasis on law and social change in the United States. Readings will be drawn from the social sciences and history, as well as selected court cases that raise critical questions about the role of race, gender, and sexual orientation in American society. Among the material we will examine are the documents made public in the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Students should be aware that some of this material is graphic and disturbing. |
SOCIOL 321-0 – Numbers, Identity & Modernity
Our world is awash in numbers. In this class we will consider how we make and use numbers, how we know ourselves through numbers, and the particular kinds of authority we grant to numbers. Using a range of examples including the SAT, college rankings, and statistics about race and sexuality, this class will examine what prompts people to produce numbers, what causes them to spread, how they intervene in the worlds they measure, how they inform our ethics, and how we think about ourselves and others differently as a result. |
SOCIOL 324-0 – Global Capitalism
This course examines the recent history of capitalism around the world, and is meant to whet your appetite rather than to provide comprehensive coverage. We examine four historical topics: what communism was, and why people fear it; why there is more poverty and inequality in the U.S. than other developed countries, and whether this is a problem; how some developing countries have managed to become rich; and the rise of the financial sector in the American economy, at the expense of manufacturing and services. We then close with an examination of the racialized history of capitalism, and students are asked to use everything they have learned in the course to think through solutions for questions of the current moment. |
SOCIOL 327-0 – Youth and Society
The course will be a critical examination of how "childhood" and "adolescence" have been defined in the U.S. We will consider how modern and historical conceptions of childhood and adolescence have evolved and how these definitions have been shaped by societal forces and institutions such as the economy, religion, and politics. We will also look at the lives of children themselves and how individuals experience being children, kids, teens, and so forth in a particular time and place. As a class, we will also be very critical of cultural and media portrayals of children and teenagers (including how social problems regarding young people are discussed) and ask how these representations have reflected and shaped how society views young people. The final topic for the course will be how adolescents make the transition to adulthood socially, emotionally, and economically, and how this transition has changed over time - particularly over the last several decades. |
SOCIOL 329-0 – Field Research and Methods of Data Collection
The goal of this course is to give students experience in qualitative research methodologies. Qualitative methods are a primary way that sociologists learn about the larger social world, test and develop theories and hypotheses, and make sense of complex situations and interactions. Qualitative methods allow sociologists to understand the world from the perspective of the individual and gain a better understanding of how the social world operates. |
SOCIOL 332-0 – Gender, Work, and Occupations
The gender division of labor is a key organizing principle in all known societies, but it takes a fascinating array of forms. In industrialized and post-industrial societies, women have increasingly taken up paid employment and moved into formerly-masculine fields, driven by demand for women workers as the economy shifts toward the service sector, and more recently by feminist movements. Yet women are still doing the majority of caring and household labor, while men's take-up of traditionally feminine caring labor has been far more limited. Moreover, the sex segregation of occupations and substantial gendered earnings gaps remain. Meanwhile, much of the work formerly done by housewives has been "outsourced" to paid service workers, many of whom migrate from global South to global North to take up this work. Scholars debate about whether and how these arrangements will change, and whether they may be influenced by political initiatives, either top-down (e.g., affirmative action to recruit women to STEM fields) or bottom-up (e.g., cultural and media campaigns to validate new norms). In this course, we will investigate the ways in which work - paid and unpaid, in families and in places of employment - is organized by gender and other forms of power, difference and inequality, such as race, class and migration/citizenship status. We will examine family divisions of labor across diverse households: how do men and women divide domestic work and care for children or others needing care? Where does non-familial provision come into play? What are the consequences for outcomes in paid employment and in terms of the distribution of time, respect, and power? We will learn about the development of the modern economy and occupational sex segregation, as well as how different kinds of men and women are treated at work. Finally, we will consider the role of government policy in sustaining or changing these arrangements. By the end of the course, students should understand how gender influences the kinds of work we do and how it is rewarded, how gender interacts with other forms of difference and inequality, how the economy is organized along gendered lines, and how public policies and political processes shape the gendered world of work. |
SOCIOL-334-0 – Social Movements
From the U.S. civil rights movement to Arab spring, social movements have shaped history. Under what conditions do people launch collective challenges to authority? How do they face barriers to organizing, recruiting participation, and effecting change? What explains their different strategies and trajectories, as well as the varied outcomes of their mobilization? This course explores these and other questions. We will examine various concepts, theories, and analytical approaches to the study of mobilization, as well as cases of movements from around the world. |
SOCIOL 336-0 – The Climate Crisis, Policies, and Society
Climate change is the worst environmental problem facing the earth. Sea levels will rise, glaciers are vanishing, horrific storms will hit everywhere. After looking briefly at the impacts of climate change on natural and social environments both in the present and near future, we then consider how to best reduce climate change and how to adapt to its impacts. Issues of climate justice, divides between the global North and South, social movements, steps taken in different countries and internationally, and the role of market and regulations are addressed. |
SOCIOL 355-0 – Sociology of Medicine
This course introduces some of the main topics of medical sociology: the social construction of health and illness; inequalities in the distribution of illness and health care; the globalization of health care; and the organization of health care work, the medical professions, and the health care system. Students will learn about variations in who gets sick and why, how the health professions evolved in the United States and how the health care "turf" has been divided among professions, whether and when patients and their families participate in medical decision making, why physicians have more authority and receive higher incomes in the U.S. than elsewhere, what doctors do when interns and residents make mistakes, what the relationship is between hospitals and other health care organizations and how that relationship has changed over time, how the American healthcare system compares to other healthcare systems, how expenditures on preventive medicine compare with expenditures on high-tech cutting- edge medicine, and why the U.S. invests so much in high-tech medicine. |
SOCIOL 376-0 – The Gang
What are gangs and what do they do? What do we mean when we talk about gangs, and how has that changed over time? This course gives students a vocabulary and a theoretical toolkit for answering those questions by diving deep into sociological scholarship on the concept of “the gang.” We’ll look at the ways that scholars, governments, law enforcement and popular culture make sense of and respond to gangs, as well as the ways that gangs have changed in response to those efforts. We’ll begin with an overview of classic gang scholarship. From there, students will be introduced to new developments in social scientists’ understanding of how gangs operate, as well as accounts of how other groups in society have responded to gangs. Readings will combine both theory and empirical description, preparing students to engage with tough questions like how globalization and the internet have changed the way that gangs operate, or how the topic of gangs intersects with groups like Black Lives Matter, or calls to defund the police. By the end of the course, students will not only get an overview of the last century of gang scholarship, they will be urged to question what the word “gang” might mean to them—and to society as a whole. |
SOCIOL 376-0 – Heterosexualities
How and when did the identities that we know today as “straight” or “heterosexual” come into existence? And how have those identities differed across time and space? Drawing on the academic literature and representations in film and other popular media, we will examine the “invention of heterosexuality” and its transformation and diversification over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries. By paying attention to multiple definitions of heterosexuality—including those that coexist within a single historical moment and location—we will problematize the notion that heterosexuality can be simply conceived as a single, unitary sexual identity. Among other topics, we will discuss the increasingly blurring boundaries between heterosexuality and other sexual identities; heteroflexibility, sexual fluidity, and other challenges to conventional definitions of heterosexuality; the power associated with heterosexuality, masculinity, and femininity; the effects of sexual inequality; contemporary problems and issues, including hookup culture and definitions of sexual consent; and imagined futures of the notions of sexual identity and sexual orientation. |
SOCIOL 376-0 – Media, Movements and Social Change
Many of the most significant social and cultural changes in modern history have been achieved through sustained collective action—through groups of people coming together around a common set of problems and fighting to change the status quo in ways that alleviate or at least mitigate those problems. These collectives—which we refer to as social movements—are fundamentally communicative in nature. Movements are formed through communication and it is through communication that they achieve much of their strategic objectives. Moreover, movements are inextricably linked to communications channels. As media and communication technologies have transformed, so too have the structures and the practices of social movements. This course explores the complex relationships between communication and social movements, bringing together theories from communication studies, sociology, and political science, as well as tracing historically how social movements have developed new practices of achieving social change. |
SOCIOL 376-0 – Race, Gender, Sex & Science
What is the scientific status of our ideas about race? How are medical and legal ideas invoked in determinations about people's gender identities? Overall, how do developments in the life sciences affect our understandings of who we are, how we differ, and how social inequalities are created, perpetuated, and challenged? This seminar explores how scientific claims and technological developments help transform cultural understandings of race, gender, and sexuality. Conversely, we will consider how cultural beliefs about race, gender, and sexuality influence scientific knowledge and medical practice. We will take up a series of controversies from the recent past and present to explore the dynamic interplay between expert findings, social identities, and political arguments. |
SOCIOL 376-0 – Politics of Scarcity
Cancelled |
SOCIOL 376-0 – Sociology of Illness: The Normal and Pathological Through the Lens of Genetics
This course surveys a variety of topics in the sociology of illness and social studies of science and threads them together with a common goal: to unpack the entanglements of society with the science of human genetics and biomedical research. Through the readings, students will engage with themes that are central to sociological thought: identity, knowledge, power, categorization, race, politics, etc. albeit in the context of science and illness. By the end of the course students will be able to sharply interrogate how social and political conditions shape the production of claims about the genetic basis of illness and difference. While much of the scholarship we will consider is broadly sociological, some of it is drawn from other fields, and part of the goal of the course is to show what is gained when we think about health, disability, and illness from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students from other disciplines are welcome. |
SOCIOL 376-0 – Sociology of Technology
Technology is ubiquitous. This course covers central tenets in the sociology of technology by pairing an empirical focus on a different technology each week with a theoretical paradigm. A total of eight technologies will serve as the exemplars through which the question(s) concerning technology will be explored: bicycles, cars, computers, facial recognition, genetic sequencing, soap, shipping containers and virtual reality. Each of these technologies is approached as a window into the social, political, racial, and economic determinants of technological innovation. The central goal of the course is to equip students with the tools for unpacking the technologies societies take for granted and critically engaging with new technologies that may reproduce social inequities. While much of the scholarship we will consider is broadly sociological, some of it is drawn from other fields, and part of the goal of the course is to show what is gained when we think about technology from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students from other disciplines are welcome. |
SOCIOL 379-0 – Understanding Genocide
Genocide is a subset of mass murder. All genocides involve mass killings but not all mass killings are genocides. Does that matter? Is it a distinction without a difference? The answer is, yes, it does matter and there is a difference; in aims, planning, execution, results, and final resolution including justice. Genocide targets a predetermined population with the aim of elimination in entirety, every living member from seniors to babies not merely a military victory. In this class we will look at the largely modern phenomenon of genocide (including its limited subset, ethnic cleansing) focusing on the Holocaust, Bosnia, and Rwanda. We will also look briefly at today’s world. The class will investigate the instances of specificity versus comparability so as not to take anything away from a particular case on the one hand but to be social scientists on the other. A goal of this class is to identify structures and triggers which have and could lead a society down this path and what obstacles can be placed in the past, In other words, where do we find the major prompts, causes, triggers and turning points. |
SOCIOL 392-0 – Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture
This course explores the relationship between gender, sexualities, and popular culture. Students will engage with interdisciplinary theories and empirical case studies covering a variety of themes (representation, performance, production, etc.) and mediums (film, music, television, books, social media, and more). We will explore intersectional positionalities and how popular culture can be a site of oppression and/or resistance. Materials will include a mix of scholarly articles, book excerpts, podcasts, and videos. Students will practice critical thinking and draw connections between theory and everyday life through discussion and written assignments. Throughout the course, students will explore their own topics of interest, culminating in a final research paper.SOCIOL 392-0 – How Societies Remember
Debates over historical remembrance are everywhere in contemporary society. In the United States alone, recent social movements have sought to tear down statues of white supremacists, make history education more patriotic, change Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day, or “Make America Great Again.” This course explores the relationship between history, memory, and society by addressing the following questions: How do societies collectively remember and represent the past? How is our view of the past shaped by social and political forces? What does historical narrative have to do with group identity, political ideology, and social change? Students in this course will gain an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of memory studies. Class discussions will examine a variety of case studies and historical narratives from throughout the world. |
Sociol 392-0 – Science and the Public
This course will survey social movements including "citizen scientists," HIV/AIDS activists, "biohackers," and others that contest, mediate, or mistrust expert authority. In these cases, science and society are not separate. Instead, they co-produce each other: various publics participate in knowledge production alongside experts and technoscience mediates the way that we understand our membership in groups. Students will gain intellectual tools from the field of science and technology studies (STS) to grapple with the way that credibility, expertise, and trust unfold in current events like the covid-19 pandemic. |
SOCIOL 398-1 – Senior Research Seminar
This is the first class in a two-quarter sequence in which students will complete a senior thesis in sociology. In this fall quarter, students will identify and motivate a sociological research question and create a research design and empirical strategy that will answer that question. Students will also complete a research proposal and begin data collection. Finally, students will connect with a faculty advisor in the Department of Sociology. The faculty advisor will provide each student with intellectual input throughout the research and writing process. They will also serve as the primary reader of the thesis when it is complete. |
SOCIOL 398-2 – Senior Research Seminar
Independent research projects carried out under faculty supervision. Prerequisite for 398-2: B- or better in 398-1. |
Courses Primarily for Graduate Students
SOCIOL 400-0 – Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Software
This course is designed to teach you the basics of single variable calculus, probability, set theory, random variables, and hypothesis testing. The course prepares students for the next class in the statistics sequence. Required Math Prefresher **BEFORE** the quarter starts - contact instructor for details and schedule. |
SOCIOL 401-1 – Linear Regression
This course is part of the quantitative methods sequence for graduate students in sociology. The main topic of the course is the theory and practice of linear regression analysis. We will cover multiple ordinary least squares regression, regression assumptions, regression diagnostics, basic path models, data transformations, and issues in causal inference. If time permits, we may discuss other regression-based topics such as fixed and random effects models, instrumental variables, and regression discontinuity. |
SOCIOL 401-2 – Statistical Analysis of Social Data: Applied Regression Methods II
This course is part of the quantitative methods sequence for graduate students in sociology. For most of the course we will focus on regression-like methods for categorical outcomes, notably binary outcomes, ordered outcomes, nominal outcomes, count outcomes, and (if time permits) event outcomes. The course will also include discussion of practical issues in performing a statistical analysis of secondary data. I assume that you the enter class either having data at hand to perform an analysis or that you can find data on your own. The major goals of the course are for students (1) to become proficient enough in regression models for categorical variables to understand, explain, and critique its use in articles appearing in sociology journals and (2) to be able to perform a competent analysis of data that is of sufficient quality to appear as an article in a sociology or social science journal. The major assignment for the course will be for students to write a paper that is a data analysis of secondary data. The final paper should be similar to a draft of a publishable article, although there will be some sections that I require you to turn in that you would not find in a regular article. |
SOCIOL-401-categorical – Categorical Regression
This course is part of the quantitative methods sequence for graduate students in sociology. For most of the course we will focus on regression-like methods for categorical outcomes, notably binary outcomes, ordered outcomes, nominal outcomes, count outcomes, and (if time permits) event outcomes. The course will also include discussion of practical issues in performing a statistical analysis of secondary data. I assume that you the enter class either having data at hand to perform an analysis or that you can find data on your own. The major goals of the course are for students (1) to become proficient enough in regression models for categorical variables to understand, explain, and critique its use in articles appearing in sociology journals and (2) to be able to perform a competent analysis of data that is of sufficient quality to appear as an article in a sociology or social science journal. The major assignment for the course will be for students to write a paper that is a data analysis of secondary data. The final paper should be similar to a draft of a publishable article, although there will be some sections that I require you to turn in that you would not find in a regular article. |
SOCIOL 403-0 – Field Methods
Like other social scientific methods, ethnographic research offers means to analyze and understand the social world. Yet, to an almost unparalleled extent, ethnographies provide close, processual, portraits of social relations, collective meanings, and interactions. In the words of the famed historical sociologist Charles Tilly, ethnography is both a science and an art. Keeping both of these characteristics in play, this graduate course is designed as an introduction to, and immersion into, the craft of ethnography and participant observation. Participants will read and evaluate recent ethnographic works, as well as engage in original ethnographic fieldwork. In the process, the class will reflect on questions of ethics, power, theory, and representation in (sociological) ethnography. |
SOCIOL 406-1 – Classical Theory in Sociological Analysis
Against the backdrop of Cartesian reservations about the possibility of a "science" of the social world, this course examines several of the major justifications that social thinkers have offered, historically, for constructing such a science. In the process, the course also considers the different conceptions of the social world that have been part of these justifications. The principal thinkers examined are Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and W.E.B. Du Bois. |
SOCIOL 406-3 – Contemporary Theory in Sociological Analysis
Modernity has become a contested term. This class investigates how various thinkers have conceived of what it means to be "modern" or "post-modern," critiques of modernity that have profoundly shaped our images of it, and skeptics who challenge the idea of modernity. It also includes sections that investigate in detail what I call "mechanisms" of modernity: procedures, devices, approaches or strategies that people adopt or promulgate in their efforts to be rational, manage uncertainty and conflict, or attain efficiency in various institutional arenas. |
SOCIOL 437-0 – Economic Sociology
This course provides an introduction to economic sociology. It poses the key idea of "embeddedness" and develops it by exploring the connections between economic institutions and behavior, on the one hand, and social processes, structures and relations, on the other. The course is organized topically, and people are expected to read all the required material. |
SOCIOL 440-0 – Stratification: Class, Race, Gender
This course is a survey of the modern sociological literature on social stratification and inequality. The course will consider major facts about inequality and how class background, race, and gender effect socioeconomic inequality. We will discuss theoretical and empirical approaches to studying stratification and explore key domains in which stratification is produced, reproduced, and manifested, such as families, schools, the labor market, and neighborhoods. The 2022 version will include discussion of the effects of social networks, criminal justice, and COVID-19 on inequality. The course will focus mostly on the United States and OECD countries. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Professional Writing and Publishing Seminar
This seminar examines the academic writing and publication process in sociology, giving particular emphasis to writing and publishing articles in professional journals. Students analyze the “anatomy” of journal articles, considering the different ways of motivating an article and organizing a review of the literature, as well as the mechanics of good academic writing. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Collective Memory
This seminar is designed to expose students to the realm of sociological research (and research in other disciplines, notably history) that addresses how we think about and memorialize the past. How is history constructed? How are historical events shaped and made socially meaningful? Who are the shapers and who are the shaped? |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Demographic Methods and Social Simulations
This is a course about solving "what if" problems (i.e., thought experiments). One such problem may inquire, "what if industry x continues to grow at the same rate?" Another may ask, "what if blacks and whites had the same educational distributions?" And a third perhaps wonders, "what if you found yourself in an iterated prisoner's dilemma fighting for your life?" Social simulations are super fancy what if problems that use a mix of math and computational code to answer a complex of important questions. This course is an introduction to a variety of what if problems and the flexible set of methods that can be used to answer the related questions. The course begins by exploring simulations of populations and their dynamics-collectively called demographic methods. Using a simple set of empirical parameters, students will learn to simulate changes in population size and composition, as well as the formal demographic processes of fertility, mortality and migration. In this section, the what if problems center on the role of population parameters in producing both aggregate outcomes and individualized measures such as life expectancy and total fertility rate. After covering the demographic simulations, the focus turns to agentic simulations (i.e., agent-based models), where, in addition to encountering fixed population parameters, the artificially simulated and independent agents employ specific strategies. The what if questions for this part of the course center on the role of individual strategies in shaping population outcomes. During this portion, students will learn to create and analyze basic agentic simulations of large, complex social behaviors such as segregation and cooperation. At the heart of all the methods covered in the course is a particular way of looking at the world, simultaneously from the top down and the bottom up. The course aim is to introduce students to the mix of methodological tools for social simulation and the nuanced theoretical perspective that their use entails. Students will learn and apply these techniques through a series of weekly problems sets performed in either Excel or NetLogo. |
SOCIOL-476-0-indigeneity – Indigeneity, States, and Settler Colonialism
In this seminar, we examine settler colonialism as a political, social, cultural and economic formation, and Indigenous resistance, resilience and resurgence, focusing on the US in historical, comparative and global perspective. Settler colonialism is a distinctive form of social organization, which emerges within a global context of empires and colonial domination of peoples of the Americas, Africa, Oceania and Asia by Europeans and their descendants, in which settlers "come to stay" (Veracini 2010) and seek replacement of indigenous peoples, rather than the extraction and transfer of wealth to the "home" country (Bacon and Norton 2019). It is a constituent part of modernity. As Glenn (2015) has argued: "The settler goal of seizing and establishing property rights over land and resources required the removal of indigenes, which was accomplished by various forms of direct and indirect violence, including militarized genocide. Settlers sought to control space, resources, and people not only by occupying land but also by establishing an exclusionary private property regime and coercive labor systems." We need increased recognition of Indigenous values, worldviews, and lifeways, as much sociological work omits the Indigenous perspective, and consequently sociological explanations are often ill-fitting or insufficient in understanding the "fourth world" of Native nations and their relations with settler societies. Notably, we seek to engage with analyses of inequality, power and difference that reflect the distinctive Indigenous experience within US settler colonialism: "Native peoples were colonized and deposed of their territories as distinct peoples - hundreds of nations - not as a racial or ethnic group…" (Dunbar-Ortiz 2014, p.xiii). The readings are multidisciplinary - covering sociology, Native studies, other social sciences and history, and we incorporate the works of diverse Indigenous scholars, philosophers and thought leaders. Topics covered include: indigenous perspectives on time, power and knowledge; key concepts for studying groups; overviews of the literatures on empire and colonialism and the entanglements of social science with settler colonialism; the emergence and co-constitution of modernity, empire, settler colonialism, states and indigeneity; property, dispossession and capitalism; biopolitics, reproduction, sexuality, gender; the US as a settler colonial formation; political contestation over settler colonialism and indigenous rights; native sovereignty, representation, decolonization and Indigenous justice. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Networks
Social networks have a profound affect on what you feel, think, and do. Whether or not you get a job, who will date or marry, whether or not you’ll catch a contagious disease are all affected by the social networks in which you live. This class explores the ways our social networks shape society, and how society shapes our social networks. Social Network Analysis (SNA) refers to both a theoretical perspective and a set of methodological techniques. As a theoretical perspective, SNA stresses the interdependence among social actors. This approach views the social world as patterns or regularities in relationships among interacting units and focuses on how such patterns affect the behavior of network units or actors. A “structure” emerges as a persistent pattern of interaction that can influence a multitude of behaviors, such as getting a job, income attainment, political decision making, social revolutions, organizational merges, global finance and trade markets, delinquent youth behaviors, the spread of infectious diseases, and so on. As a methodological approach, SNA refers to a catalog of techniques steeped in mathematical graph theory and now extending to statistical simulation and algebraic models. This course surveys the growing field of SNA, emphasizing the merger of theory and method while gaining hands-on experience with network data and software. As such, the course is designed to be (roughly) equal parts theory and methods. Students will leave the course with the ability to understand and apply SNA in a variety of contexts. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Politics, Society and Inequality in the U.S.
This class explores historical and contemporary perspectives on the evolving interrelationship between politics, society, and inequality in the United States. It is not intended to provide a comprehensive overview or broad survey of the general topic. Rather, it offers a curated look at a selection of important themes, topics, and questions. Are the sources and structures of inequality in the United States cross-nationally distinctive? In what ways does it make sense to say that broad patterns of social and political conflict over economic distribution have shifted historically in response to underlying transformations of the American economy? To the extent that the fruits of American prosperity were more equally distributed among white Americans after the Second World War, compared to any period before or since, what has led to the alarmingly high level of economic inequality and political polarization that is plainly evident in our time? Why has Black protest against racial inequality since the late-1960s (not coincidentally the moment in time when the federal government laid the policy foundations of mass incarceration) largely taken the form of urban rebellion? What do ordinary Americans today think about economic inequality, and why have American elites nevertheless been able to continue amassing ever greater amounts of power and wealth? Among the assigned readings are Piketty’s Capital and Ideology, Levy’s Ages of American Capitalism, Prasad’s Land of Too Much, Hacker and Pierson’s American Amnesia, Phillips-Fein’s Fear City, Hinton’s America on Fire, Kruse and Zelizer’s Fault Lines, McCall’s The Undeserving Rich, and Wessel’s Only the Rich Can Play. (Please note that the list of assigned readings may change before the start of the quarter.) Strong pedagogical emphasis will be placed on learning how to read books closely and critically. In addition to giving presentations on selected books, students will write two book reviews. There are no long writing or research assignments. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Set-Theoretic Methods
This graduate-level course requires having already completed "Case Study and Small-N Research." The course provides an introduction to the logic and use of set-theoretic methods, including but not exclusively Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). The material is equally divided between set-theoretic methods for medium/large N research and case study/small N research. The requirements for the class are: (1) a paper in which students analyze data using QCA; (2) a final exam; and (3) active participation in classroom discussions of the readings. At the end of the class, students will know how to use QCA and other set-theoretic methods in their own work. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – The Sociology of Moral Experiences
Description not available. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – The Politics of Knowledge
This course is motivated by the assumption that knowledge and technology have become central to the social, cultural, political, and material organization of modern societies. The fundamental goal of the course is to develop intellectual tools to understand not merely the social organization of knowledge, science, and technology but also the technoscientific dimensions of social life. Although much of the course content concerns science and technology, the theoretical and analytical frameworks developed in this course are intended to apply to any domain involving knowledge, expertise, technologies, or formalized techniques. How might sociology as a field of study benefit from closer engagement both with epistemic concerns and with the material aspects of our technosocial world? We will examine: why we believe what we believe (the politics of knowledge production, circulation, and reception); the impact and uptake of technologies and the assessment of technological risks; the character of life in expert-driven “knowledge societies”; the resolution of conflicts around knowledge and technology (and the use of knowledge and technology in conflict resolution); the encounters between and across different knowledge systems, ways of knowing, and epistemic cultures, both locally and globally; the use of technologies to tell us “who we are” and “where we belong”; the social and technological reproduction of inequalities, including those related to social class, race and ethnicity, gender, sexuality, location in global hierarchies, etc.; the relations between activists and experts, and the tensions between expertise and democracy; the roles of social movements when intervening in debates about knowledge, science, and technology, as well as the use of knowledge and technology by social movements; and the nature of governance in technologically sophisticated societies—including the character of collective decision-making about knowledge and technology, as well as the uses of knowledge and technology to arrive at such decisions. A lot (but not all) of the course content focuses on the United States, though we will try whenever possible to place developments in a global context and we will benefit from comparative and postcolonial approaches to STS. While much of the scholarship we will consider is broadly sociological, some of it is drawn from other fields, and part of the goal of the course is to suggest the interdisciplinary character of STS. Students from other disciplines are welcome. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Race, Racism and Resistance in Latin America
Race and racism are global formations rooted in European exploration, colonialism, and imperialism, and constitutive of modernity, (political) liberalism, and capitalism. This class will focus on the development and contemporary manifestations of racial categories, racist structures, racial inequalities, and anti-racist social movements in Latin America and the Spanish speaking Caribbean. The course will be comparative across the Indigenous communities, European colonial structures, routes of African enslavement and Black freedom movements, and contemporary nation states of Latin America, and also include some comparative attention to racial structures in the U.S., especially as highlighted by transnational migration and scientific and cultural exchange. We will pay special attention to the intersecting structures of class, gender, ethnicity, and region, among others. The goal of the course is to destabilize the concept of race by looking at its transformations across time and place, and to understand manifestations of racism and struggles against it across a wide range of geopolitical contexts. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Research Methods for Cultural Sociology
In this seminar we will consider how one formulates a research questions and puts evidence together in order to investigate specific instances of the culture-society interaction and, from doing so, to assess cultural theory. The course is for students who (1) have some background in cultural sociology (usually by having taken SOC 420), and (2) have in mind a research project involving culture, either one that is already underway or one that is envisioned. All participants will be actively engaged in cultural research (dissertation proposal, second-year paper, pilot study, etc.), at least for the duration of the course itself. The goal is to create a productive interplay between research activities and methodological awareness. Our emphasis will be on designing research that meets the standards of science while maintaining sensitivity to the peculiar characteristics of culture. We shall be comparing sociological methods with those from the history and cultural studies in terms of the relationship between evidence and argument. We’ll look at the steps of research from topic to question formation to hypotheses to data collection to analysis of findings to issues of reliability and validity to publication. Along the way we shall consider such issues as specifying cultural objects, making appropriate comparisons, assessing evidence, and analyzing social and aesthetic texts. Our emphasis is on research design and logic; we will not cover specific techniques of data analysis or measurement, though you might want to pursue these areas. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Sociology of Immigration
This graduate seminar will survey the recent sociological literature on immigration. We will focus on a range of topics that include: the evolution of sociological immigration theories; the social construction of immigrants and “expats,” as well as the tension between these two categories; the social construction of refugees and asylum seekers; the structural factors that propel and hinder transnational migration; the entrenchment of international borders in the era of globalization; the shifting understandings of immigrant incorporation in host societies; the emergence of transnationalism as a framework for understanding the links that immigrants maintain with their home countries; and the effects of shifting attitudes on immigration policies. We will link transnational migration to a wide range of related sociological issues, including gender, sexuality, race, economics, nationalism, nativism, culture, religion, crime, and social stratification and inequality. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Sociology of Development
Is it possible to solve global poverty? The sociology of development tries to do so, but it is a new and developing field with many directions and no center. Our goal will be to try to organize this material and figure out what direction the field should take. Students leave the course with an understanding of approaches to development in Latin America, Africa, and Asia over the last century, as well as approaches to the study of development in sociology. |
SOCIOL 476-0 – Teaching Practicum
This course provides mentoring and guidance for graduate students currently teaching in the Sociology department. |
SOCIOL 480-0 – Introduction to the Discipline
Introduction to the department, faculty, and adjunct faculty. Faculty discuss their research and teaching interests. Mandatory two-quarter weekly seminar for first-year study. |
SOCIOL 490-0 – Research: Second-Year Paper
This course guides second-year Ph.D. students in the Sociology department in preparing a draft of their second-year paper. A series of exercises leads in incremental steps to a full draft, and feedback is provided from the professor as well as from other students. |
SOCIOL 570-0 – Seminar on College Teaching
This seminar offers a space for graduate students to discuss topics related to college TAing and teaching. The course covers the following topics: practical skills and strategies to be an effective and efficient teaching assistant, particular TAing/teaching challenges for women, minority, international, and LGBT instructors, leading discussion sections and lecturing, how to create inclusive classrooms, how to construct a syllabus, defining your teaching philosophy, and perspectives on student evaluations. |