David Schieber
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Curriculum Vitae

- david.schieber@northwestern.edu
- (847) 467-0917
- 1810 Chicago Ave, Room 321
- Office Hours: Tuesdays: 10:00am-12:00pm
Area(s) of Interest
Organizations, Occupations, and Work, Sexualities, Culture, Sex and Gender, Economic Sociology
David’s teaching interests lie at the intersection of work and organizations, culture and cultural production, health and medicine, gender and sexuality, and economic sociology. David spends much of his time teaching Northwestern undergraduates on both the Evanston campus and at Stateville Penitentiary through the Northwestern Prison Education Program. David also spends time advising undergraduates on their own independent research projects and theses, and he teaches the Northwestern Sociology Department graduate pedagogy seminar. David has even been known to publish his own research, although sporadically and to varying degrees of success.
Courses Taught
SOCIOL 110: Introduction to Sociology
SOCIOL 276: Sociology of Reputation
SOCIOL 302: Sociology of Organizations
SOCIOL 570: Seminar on College Teaching