Oscar Stuhler
Assistant Professor of Sociology

- oms@northwestern.edu
- Office Hours: by appointment only
- Make an appointment by email
Area(s) of Interest
Sociology of culture, political sociology, discourse analysis, natural language processing, social networks, computational social science
I study discourse with formal, quantitative methods. At the core of my research agenda is an effort to develop methods and theory for analyzing textual representations of social structures. In this research program, I make central concepts in the analysis of social structure — among them roles, agency, and relationships — measurable in textual data. In this vein, I have studied, for instance, how agency is distributed among male and female characters in fiction writing, or how German news media portrays refugees. In my other work, I study aspects of public discourse, such as rhetorical frames, political critique, or agenda-setting. Currently, I am working on a project on temporal horizons in climate change news coverage.
Selected Publications
Stuhler, Oscar. 2022. Who Does What To Whom? Making Text Parsers Work for Sociological Inquiry. Sociological Methods & Research 51(4): 1580-1633.
Stuhler, Oscar. 2021. What's in a category? A new approach to Discourse Role Analysis. Poetics 78.
Bonikowski, Bart, Yuchen Luo, and Oscar Stuhler. 2022. Politics as Usual? Measuring Populism, Nationalism, and Authoritarianism in U.S. Presidential Campaigns (1952-2020) with Neural Language Models. Sociological Methods & Research 51(4): 1721-1787.