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Fall 2023 Class Schedule

Fall QuarterWinter QuarterSpring QuarterSummer Quarter

Please remember that courses and schedules are subject to change.

SOCIOL 101-7First-Year SeminarAnthony ChenTTh  11am-12:20pm
SOCIOL 101-7Latinx FuturismRebecca EwertMW  12:30-1:50pm
SOCIOL 101-7Gender, Classification, and GlobalizationTara GonsalvesMW  2pm-3:20pm
SOCIOL 110-0Introduction to SociologyDavid SchieberMW  12:30-1:50pm
SOCIOL 206-0Law and SocietyJoanna GrisingerTTh  9:30-10:50am
SOCIOL 212-0Environment and SocietyRebecca EwertMW  3:30-4:50pm
SOCIOL 216-0Gender and SocietyJulia BehrmanTTh  3:30-4:50pm
SOCIOL 226-0Sociological AnalysisKarrie SnyderMW  11am-12:20pm
SOCIOL 302-0Sociology of OrganizationsDavid SchieberMW  9:30-10:50am
SOCIOL 305-0Population DynamicsChristine PercheskiMW  2pm-3:20pm
SOCIOL 307-0School and SocietyKarrie SnyderMW  12:30-1:50pm
SOCIOL 309-0Political SociologyAnn OrloffTTh  3:30-4:50pm
SOCIOL 317-0Global DevelopmentJames MahoneyMW  9:30-10:50am
SOCIOL 376-0Race, Gender, Sex & ScienceSteven EpsteinTTh  9:30-10:50am
SOCIOL 376-0Neoliberalism, Postcolonial Theory, and Human RightsTara GonsalvesMW  11am-12:20pm
SOCIOL 398-1Senior Research SeminarAnthony ChenTTh  9:30-10:50am
SOCIOL 400-0Introduction to Statistics and Statistical SoftwareQuincy StewartTTh  2pm-3:20pm Lab F 1:00-1:50pm
SOCIOL 406-1Classical Theory in Sociological AnalysisVilna Bashi-TreitlerTh  9:30-12:20pm
SOCIOL 410-0Race, Racism, and ResistanceMary PattilloW  2pm-4:50pm
SOCIOL 476-0Scientific ConstructivismJames MahoneyT  9am-12:00pm
SOCIOL 476-0Politics of KnowledgeSteven EpsteinM  10am-12:50pm
SOCIOL 480-0Introduction to the DisciplineQuincy StewartM  1:30-3:20pm
SOCIOL 490-0Research: Second-Year PaperJulia BehrmanTh  10am-12:30pm
SOCIOL 576-0Culture and Society WorkshopClaudio BenzecryTh  3:30-5pm
SOCIOL 576-0Ethnography WorkshopGary FineT  5pm-6:30pm
SOCIOL 576-0Applied Quantitative Methods WorkshopChristine PercheskiM  4pm-5:30pm
Fall QuarterWinter QuarterSpring QuarterSummer Quarter