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Doron Shiffer-Sebba

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Area(s) of Interest

Elites, Extended Families, and Computational Social Science


Doron Shiffer-Sebba researches the intersection of extended families and economic inequality. He focuses on 1) elite wealthy families and how they organize their wealth; 2) the role of extended families in economic inequality in the broader U.S. population; and 3) developing novel computational methods to analyze how people use their bodies in social interaction. In doing so, Doron employs a wide array of methodological perspectives -- ethnographic, quantitative, and computational. Doron is currently working on an ethnographic book manuscript that exposes the structural forces that hinder economic elites from mitigating inequality. Before joining Northwestern's sociology department, Doron completed his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania and served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern.

Courses Taught

SOCIOL 476: Computational Techniques for Social Research