Julia Behrman
Associate Professor of Sociology

- julia.behrman@northwestern.edu
- 847-467-4069
- 1810 Chicago Avenue, Room 323
- Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm
- Sign up here for office hours
Area(s) of Interest
Family, Gender, Demography, Education, Health
Julia Behrman’s research investigates the causes and consequences of family change in a global perspective. Her research explores how the institution of the family shapes and is shaped by key social phenomenon in four main areas: (i) educational expansion; (ii) environmental change, natural disaster and climate shocks; (iii) expansion of women’s labor force participation; and (iv) migration. Much of her work is motivated by questions of power: who has power within families and how is it manifested? What events or experiences lead to changes in power dynamics within families? Do changes in family structures alleviate or perpetuate disadvantage between and within families?Behrman’s research has received funding from the National Science Foundation and South African Medical Research Council and her work has received awards from American Sociological Association Sections on Education, Population, and Development; the Society for the Study of Social Problems; the Population Association of America; and the Sociologist AIDS Network. Prior to starting at Northwestern, she was a Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Sociology at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. She received her PhD from New York University in 2017.
Courses Taught
Undergraduate: Gender and Society
Graduate: Research Design; Regression II
Relevant Links
Prospective PhD students who are considering emailing me please read the following: https://tinyurl.com/2kwnsb69