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Karrie Ann Snyder

Associate Professor of Instruction and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Area(s) of Interest

Work, Health, Family, Education


Karrie Ann Snyder is a Associate Professor of Instruction in the Sociology Department and her primary research interests include gender, family, work, and health.  Prior to joining the Sociology Department, she was a postdoctoral fellowship at the Sloan Center on Parents, Children, and Work at the University of Chicago and a Research Assistant Professor at the Institute for Women’s Health Research at the Feinberg School of Medicine.

She has published in Journal of Marriage and Family regarding how parents prioritize and structure “quality” family time with their children.  Dr. Snyder is also interested in how chronic illness impacts family and work goals.  She is the co-editor of an interdisciplinary volume on oncofertility (the intersection of fertility and cancer research) forthcoming from Springer Press.  She has also compared the occupational choices of men and women in the informal economy and the healthcare industry.  This area of research has been published in Sociological Perspectives, Advances in Gender Research, Sociological Inquiry and Social Problems.

Courses Taught

SOCIOL 101-6 Teens, Tweens and Adolescents Syllabus

SOCIOL 110: Introduction to Sociology

SOCIOL 202: Social Problems Syllabus

SOCIOL 217: Global Development

SOCIOL 218: Education and Inequality: Focus on Chicago Syllabus

SOCIOL 307: The School and Society Syllabus

SOCIOL 310: The Family & Social Learning Syllabus

SOCIOL 327: Youth and Society Syllabus

SOCIOL 329: Field Research and Methods Syllabus


Oncofertility: Fertility Preservation for Cancer Survivors
With Teresa Woodruff; Springer Press 2007


Beyond Clinical Care: Discussing Fertility Preservation Options with Cancer Patients
With William Pearse; Journal of the American Medical Association, 2011

Crisis, Social Support, and the Family Response: Exploring the Narratives of Young Breast Cancer Survivors
With William Pearse; Psychosocial Oncology, 2010

Revisiting the Glass Escalator: The Case of Gender Segregation in a Female Dominated Occupation
With Adam Green; Social Problems, 2008

A 'Vocabulary of Motives': How Parents Understand Quality Time
Marriage and Family, 2007