John Hagan
Professor Emeritus

Area(s) of Interest
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John Hagan is the editor of Annual Review of Law and Social Science. He co-author with Alberto Palloni of “Death in Darfur” in Science and is co-author with Wenona Rymond-Richmond of the book, Darfur and the Crime of Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2009). He developed an early interest in the social organization of subjective justice that is continued in his 2005 American Sociological Review article with Carla Shedd and Monique Payne on race, ethnicity and perceptions of criminal injustice. His articles and book, Structural Criminology, present a power-control theory of crime and delinquency. Power-control theory also plays a role in his work with Holly Foster in their 2001 American Sociological Review paper on The End of Adolescence.
Hagan's Presidential Address to the American Society of Criminology underlined the role of poverty in crime. This theme is central to his research with Bill McCarthy on homeless youth for their book, Mean Streets. As a Guggenheim Fellow, Hagan studied the migration of American Vietnam war resisters to Canada that is described in the book Northern Passage. Hagan's recent work has focused on the international tribunal where Slobodan Milosevic was tried. His book, Justice in the Balkans, is a social history of this tribunal. This project is further developed in Law and Society Review and Law and Social Inquiry articles with Sanja Kutnjak Ivokovic, Ron Levi and Gabrielle Ferrales. A co-authored review essay with Heather Schoenfeld on war crimes in the Balkans and Darfur appeared recently in the Annual Review of Sociology.
He is the recent co-author of “Death in Darfur” in Science, “Racial Targeting of Sexual Violence in Darfur” in the American Journal of Public Health, and of “The Collective Dynamics of Racial Dehumanization and Genocidal Victimization” in the American Sociological Review.
A paper with Gabrielle Ferrales and Guillermina Jasso on “How Law Rules: Torture, Terror and the Normative Judgments of Iraqi Judges” received the 2009 Best Article Prize from the Law and Society Association.
Courses Taught
SOCIOL 206-0: Law and Society
SOCIOL 308-0: Sociology of Deviance and Crime Syllabus
SOCIOL 476 Special Topics: Mass Incarceration Syllabus
SOCIOL 476 Special Topics: Sociology of Crime
Recent Books
Iraq and the Crimes of Aggressive War, Co-Authored with Josh Kaiser and Ana Hanson, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Who Are the Criminals? The Politics of Crime Policy in the Age of Roosevelt to the Age of Reagan, Princeton University Press, 2012
Darfur and the Crime of Genocide, Co-authored with Wenona Rymond-Richmond, Cambridge University Press, 2008
Recent Articles
“A Dual-Process Theory of Racial Isolation, Legal Cynicism, and Reported Crime.” Co-authored with Bill McCarthy, Dan Herda, and Andrea Chandrasekher, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115:7190-7199.
“Crimes of Terror, Counterterrorism, and the Unanticipated Consequences of a Militarized Incapacitation Strategy in Iraq,” Co-Authored with Joshua Kaiser, Social Forces, 97: 309–346.
“Economic Insecurity and Gun Violence in Schools.” Co-authored with Adam Pah, LAN Amaral, Katharine Albrect, Nature Human Behaviour 1:1-6.
“Race, Legal Cynicism, and the Machine Politics of Drug Law Enforcement in Chicago.” Co-authored with Bill McCarthy, and Daniel Herda. DuBois Review Spring: 129-151