Allan Schnaiberg
Professor Emeritus

Area(s) of Interest
Environmental Sociology, Economy and Society, Family
August 20, 1939 - June 6, 2009
Schnaiberg was the author of a large number of scholarly articles and books on topics ranging from globalization and the environment to labor and social inequality. He was a founder of the field of environmental sociology, generating a Treadmill of Production framework for understanding environmental degradation and authoring a seminal 1980 book The Environment: From Surplus to Scarcity.
Citations to Works Listed
The Treadmill of Production: Injustice and Unsustainability in the Global Economy. [with Ken Gould and David Pellow]. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
“Labor productivity”. In Ken Gould & Tammy Lewis, 20 Lessons in Environmental
Sociology. Oxford University Press.
“Contradicoes nos futuros impactos socioambmientais orlundos da nanotecnologia”, Pp. 80-86 in Paulo Martins, editor, Nantecnologia sociedade e meio ambiente. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Xamo.
“Mentoring Graduate Students: Going Beyond The Formal Role Structure”. The American Sociologist 36 (2) Summer: 28-42.
"The Economy and the Environment”. Pp. 703-726 in The Handbook of Economic Sociology, edited by Neil Smelser and Richard Swedberg. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
"Interrogating The Treadmill Of Production: Everything You Wanted To Know About The Treadmill, But Were Afraid To Ask." Organization & Environment 17: 296-316. [with Ken Gould & David Pellow]
The Environment: From Surplus to Scarcity. New York: Oxford University Press. PDF version.
“The Treadmill of Production and the Environmental State”. Reprinted in Craig Humphrey, Frederick Buttel, & Tammy Lewis (editors), Environment, Energy, and Society: Exemplary Works. Wadsworth.
“The Environmental Justice Movement: Equitable Allocation of the Costs and Benefits of Environmental Management Outcomes.” Social Justice Research.14:423-439. [with D.N. Pellow and A.S. Weinberg]
“Reflections on My 25 Years Before the Mast of the Environment and Technology Section.” Organization and Environment, 15 (1) 30-41.
“The Treadmill of Production and the Environmental State”. Pp. 15-32 in Arthur Mol and Fred Buttel, eds., The Environmental State Under Pressure. Kidington, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Publishing). [with D.N. Pellow and A.S. Weinberg].
"Globalization and energy policy: The critical role of the state and its constituencies." Working Paper WP 02-12, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208. [with Adam Weinberg]
"American Studies: Environment”. Volume 1, pp. 444-447 in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Kidington, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science).
“Environmental movements since Love Canal: Hope, despair & [im]mobilization?", Buffalo Environmental Law Journal.
"Markets and politics in urban recycling: A tale of two cities." Working Paper 01-13, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University.
Urban Recycling and the Search for Sustainable Community Development. Princeton University Press [with A.S. Weinberg and D.N.Pellow]
"Putting the ecological modernization thesis to the test: The promises and performance of urban recycling." Pp. 109-137 in Arthur P.J. Mol and David A. Sonnenfeld, editors. Ecological Modernization Around the World: Perspectives and Critical Debates. Ilford(UK) & Portland, OR.: Frank Cass & Co. [with A.S. Weinberg & D.N. Pellow]
Environment and Society: The Enduring Conflict. [November] New York: St. Martin's Press. [with Kenneth Gould] Reprinted with a new Introduction. West Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press.
"The two faces of professional discretion: a vision from the client's bed." Pp.235-249 in Qualitative Sociology as Everyday Life, edited by Barry Glassner & Rosanna Hertz. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Kankyou To Shakai. Kyoto: Mineruva Publishing Company. Translation of Energy and Society by Hisayoshi Mitsuda,. [with Ken Gould]
"Politizando la rueda de produccion: Los programmas de reciclaje de residuos solidas en Estados Unidos. Revista Internacional de SociologÃa, 19-20 (January-August): 181-222,
[with D.N. Pellow and A.S. Weinberg.]
"Sustainable development and the treadmill of production." Pp. 72-88 in Susan Baker et al., editors, The Politics of Sustainable Development: Theory, Policy and Practice within the European Union. London & New York: Routledge Press.
"Paradoxes and contradictions: A contextual framework for 'how I learned to suspect recycling'". Humanity and Society 21 (3): 223-239.
"Infrastructures & Relationships In Urban Environmental Protection: A Tale Of Two Cities" (with David N. Pellow & Adam S. Weinberg). Working paper, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University. Evanston, IL.
"Politicizing the treadmill of production: reshaping social outcomes of 'efficient' recycling." (with David N. Pellow & Adam S. Weinberg). Working paper, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University. Evanston, IL.
Local Environmental Struggles: Citizen Activism in the Treadmill of Production [with A.S. Weinberg & K.A. Gould]. New York: Cambridge University Press.
"Sustainable development as a sociologically defensible concept: From foxes and rovers to citizens." Advances in Human Ecology, (Spring 1996) edited by Lee Freese. Volume 5: 261-302. JAI Press. [with Adam Weinberg & David Pellow]
"Pragmatic corporate cultures: Insights from a recycling enterprise." Greener Management International 12 (October): 95-110. [with David N. Pellow & Adam S. Weinberg]
"Plastic policies, prologue and parable: Reframing recycling." Environment, Technology, and Society 77 (Fall 1994): 1, 3-4.
"Natural resource use in a transnational treadmill: International agreements, national citizenship practices, and sustainable development." Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 21(1): 61-94 [with Kenneth A. Gould & Adam S.Weinberg].
"Recycling: conserving resources or accelerating the treadmill of production?" [with Adam S. Weinberg & Kenneth A. Gould]. Advances in Human Ecology, edited by Lee Freese. Volume 4: 173-205. Greenwich, CT & London: JAI Press.
"The political economy of environmental problems and policies: Consciousness, coordination, and control capacity." Advances in Human Ecology, edited by Lee Freese. Volume 3: 23-64. Greenwich, CT & London: JAI Press.
"Canaries in the mine: Unheard or unsung?" Review essay, Contemporary Sociology, volume 23 (4): 503-505.
Environment and Society: The Enduring Conflict. New York: St. Martin's Press. [with Kenneth Gould]
Social Equity and Environmental Activism: Utopias, Dystopias and Incrementalism. Editor, Special issue of Qualitative Sociology, vol. 16, no.3 [Fall].
"Introduction: Inequality once more, with (some) feeling". Pp. 203-207 and "Legitimating impotence: Pyrrhic victories of the modern environmental movement".[with K.A. Gould & A.S. Weinberg]. Pp. 207-246.
"Lubricating conflict: The example of recycling oil." Environment, Technology, & Society 69: 9 [with A. S. Weinberg].
"Oppositions." Review essay, Science, March 20 1992: 1586-1587.
"Predictive genetic screening: Its potential role in medical underwriting." Policy paper prepared for Blue Cross-Blue Shield Association, Chicago. Final version, June 1992.
"The returning young adult: Guidelines for parents." Transitions: Associates in Psychotherapy, Lincolnwood, IL, August, 1992. [with E. Harshbarger].
"Driver recruitment focus groups.". Advance Project Report #NU-1e.2-2, The Transportation Center, Northwestern University. [with J. Schofer]
"Recycling vs. remanufacturing: Redistributive realities." Working paper WP-15, Center for Urban Affairs & Policy Research, Northwestern University, April.
"The recycling shell game: Multinational economic organization vs. local political ineffectuality." Working paper WP-16, Center for Urban Affairs & Policy Research, Northwestern University, May.
"Paradise gained or paradigm lost ? Some unkind cuts of social science." Review essay, Contemporary Sociology 20 (1): 146-148.
"Recycling policy [re]considered." Environment, Technology & Society 60 (Summer): 6-8
"From empty nest to crowded nest: contradictions in the structure of returning young adults." Social Problems 36(3):251-269 (with S. Goldenberg).
"Risk taking, cooperation and photovoltaics." (Comment on Etzkowitz), Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, Fall, 1989:113.
"Reflections on resistance to rural industrialization: newcomers' culture of environmentalism." Pp. 229-258 in Pamela D. Elkind-Savatsky, editor, Differential Social Impacts of Rural Resource Development. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Distributional Conflicts in Environmental-Resource Policy. Aldershot, England: & Gower Press; New York: St. Martin's Press. [Co-editor, with N. Watts & K. Zimmermann]
"The role of experts and mediators in the channeling of distributional conflict." Pp. 363-379 in A. Schnaiberg, N. Watts, and K. Zimmermann, editors, Distributional Conflicts in Environmental-Resource Policy. Aldershot, England: Gower Press.
"Future trajectories of resource distributional conflicts: trends and projections." Pp. 435-444 in A. Schnaiberg, N. Watts, and K. Zimmermann, editors, Distributional Conflicts in Environmental-Resource Policy. Aldershot, England: Gower Press.
The Environment:From Surplus to Scarcity. New York: Oxford University Press
Books and Articles
The Recycling Shell Game: Multinational Economic Organization vs. Local Political Ineffectuality
Recycling vs. Remanufacturing: Redistributive Realities
Legitimizing Impotence: Pyrrhic Victories of the Modern Environmental Movement
Social Equity and Environmental Activism: Utopias, Dystopias and Incrementalism
The Political Economy of Environmental Problems and Policies: Consciousness, Conflict, and Control Capacity
Plastic Policies, Prologue and Parable: Reframing Recycling
Pragmatic Corporate Cultures: Insights From a Recycling Enterprise
Sustainable Development As a Sociologically Defensible Concept: From Foxes and Rovers To Citizen-Workers
Politicizing the Treadmill of Production: Reshaping Social Outcomes of 'Efficient' Recycling
Paradoxes and Contradictions: A Contextual Framework For "How I Learned To Suspect Recycling"
Sustainable Development and the Treadmill of Production
Putting the Ecological Modernization Thesis To the Test: The Promises and Performance of Urban Recycling
Environmental Movements Since Love Canal: Hope, Despair and [Im]mobilization?
American Studies: Environment
Markets and Politics In Urban Recycling: A Tale of Two Cities
The Treadmill of Production and the Environmental State
Reflections On My 25 Years Before the Mast of the Environmental and Technology Section
The Environmental Justice Movement: Equitable Allocation of the Costs and Benefits of Environmental Management Outcomes
The Environment: From Surplus to Scarcity
Interrogating the Treadmill of Production: Everything You Wanted To Know About the Treadmill, But Were Afraid To Ask
The Economy and the Environment
Mentoring Graduate Students: Going Beyond the Formal Role Structure
Contradictions In Nano-Technology's Future Socio-Environmental Impacts
Labor Productivity