Charles Moskos
Professor Emeritus

Area(s) of Interest
Military Sociology, Greek Americans
Relevant Links
May 20, 1934 - May 31, 2008
Charles Moskos conducted research that took him to combat units in Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Iraq. In addition to numerous scholarly articles, Moskos wrote for the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Atlantic Monthly and Foreign Affairs. His work has been translated into 19 languages. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Award, the U.S. Army's highest decoration for a civilian, and was designated Honored Patriot by the Selective Service System. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The Postmodern Military
With John Allen Williams and David R. Segal; Oxford University Press, 2000
Black Leadership and Racial Integration the Army Way
With John Sibley Butler; Basic Books, 1997
The New Conscientious Objection
With John Whiteclay Chambers; Oxford University Press, 1993
The Military - More Than Just a Job?
With Frank R. Wood; Brassey's Inc., 1988
A Call to Civic Service
Free Press, 1988