Kris Rosentel

- Advisor(s): Papachristos
- Entry Cohort: Fall 2020
Area(s) of Interest
Gender & Sexuality; Urban Sociology; Criminal Legal System; Health Inequities & Social Determinants of Health; Multi-Method Research; GIS/Spatial Analysis
Kris Rosentel is a PhD Student in the Department of Sociology and a Mellon Cluster Fellow in Gender & Sexuality Studies. Their research examines how urban environments and governance shape gender and sexual inequalities in health and the criminal-legal system. Kris's current project assesses the role of interactional and spatial processes in driving transgender discrimination in the policing of sex work. Their previous work has examined spatial inequality in the distribution of LGBTQ services in Chicago, the disconnect between policy priorities and implementation in the enforcement of sex work laws, and the relationship between anti-trans school experiences and criminal legal system outcomes among Black trans women. They have published in outlets including Archives of Sexual Behavior, Journal of Urban Health, Sexuality Research & Social Policy, Transgender Health, and JAIDS.
Selected Publications:
Rosentel, K., Fuller, C. M., Bowers, S. M. E., Moore, A. L., Hill, B. J. (2021). Police Enforcement of Sex Work Criminalization Laws in an "End Demand" City: The Persistence of Quality-of-Life Policing and Seller Arrests. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50: 1973-1990. doi: 10.1007/s10508-020-01910-9
Rosentel, K., VandeVusse, A., & Schuh, T. (2021). The Sexual and Reproductive Health Burden Index: development, validity, and community-level analyses of a composite spatial measure. Journal of Urban Health, 98: 481-495. doi: 10.1007/s11524-020-00457-3
Rosentel, K., López-Martínez, I., Crosby, R. A., Salazar, L. F., & Hill, B. J. (2020). Black Transgender Women and the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Exploring the Relationship Between Anti-trans Experiences in School and Adverse Criminal-Legal System Outcomes. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. doi: 10.1007/s13178-020-00473-7
Rosentel, K., VandeVusse, A. & Hill, B. J. (2020). Racial and Socioeconomic Inequity in the Spatial Distribution of LGBTQ Human Services: An Exploratory Analysis of LGBTQ Services in Chicago. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 17(1): 87-103. doi: 10.1007/s13178-019-0374-0