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NameTitleContactLocationLetterOffice Hours
Vilna BashiOsborn Professor of Sociology on leave AY 24-25847-467-1327
1812 Chicago Ave, Room 102 Bby appointment only
Bernard BeckAssociate Professor EmeritusEmailB
Julia BehrmanAssociate Professor of Sociology847-467-4069
1810 Chicago Avenue, Room 323BWednesdays 3:30-5:30pm
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Nicola BeiselAssociate Professor EmeritaEmailB
Claudio BenzecryProfessor of Communication Studies and SociologyEmailBby appointment only
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Charles CamicProfessor of Sociology EmeritusEmailCby appointment only
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Héctor Carrillo Professor of Sociology and Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies (847) 467-0516
1808 Chicago Ave, Room 101Cby appointment only
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Bruce CarruthersJohn D. MacArthur Professor of Sociology(847) 467-1251
1808 Chicago Ave, room 203CMondays 3:00-4:30pm, by appointment
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Anthony S. ChenAssociate Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology(847) 467-0515
1810 Chicago Avenue, Room 222CMondays and Thursdays 2:00-3:30pm
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Thomas CookProfessor EmeritusEmailC
Steven EpsteinProfessor of Sociology; John C. Shaffer Professor in the Humanities(847) 491-5536
1808 Chicago Avenue, Room 206Eby appointment only
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Wendy EspelandProfessor of Sociology(847) 467-1252
1808 Chicago Avenue, Room 207Eby appointment only
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Rebecca EwertAssistant Professor of Instruction847-491-7480
1810 Chicago Ave, Room 228ETuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm, and by appointment
Gary Alan FineJames E. Johnson Professor of Sociology (847) 491-3495
1810 Chicago Avenue, Room 221Fby appointment only
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Wendy GriswoldProfessor of Sociology EmeritaEmailGby appointment only
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John HaganProfessor EmeritusEmailH
Carol HeimerProfessor of Sociology EmeritaEmailHby appointment only
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Albert HunterProfessor of Sociology EmeritusEmailHby appointment only
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Simone Ispa-LandaAssociate Professor of Sociology and Human Development & Social PolicyEmailIby appointment only
Email Becca Kotler to schedule a time
Tamara KayVisiting Professor of Global Affairs and SociologyEmailK
Liangying MaPre-Doctoral Visiting FellowM
James MahoneyGordon Fulcher Professor in Decision-Making, Professor of Sociology, and Professor of Political Science(847) 467-0917 and (847) 491-2626
Scott Hall, Room 402MMondays and Wednesdays 11-noon and by appointment
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Santiago J. MolinaAssistant Professor of SociologyEmailM
Aldon MorrisProfessor of Sociology EmeritusEmailMby appointment only
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Robert NelsonProfessor of Sociology and MacCrate Research Chair at the American Bar Foundation(847) 491-3203
1808 Chicago Avenue, Room 109NTuesdays 2:00-3:00pm on Zoom and by appointment
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Laura Beth NielsenProfessor of Sociology and Director of Graduate Studies(847) 491-3718
1808 Chicago Avenue, Room 107Nby appointment only
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Ann Shola OrloffProfessor of Sociology and Board of Lady Managers of the Columbian Exposition Chair (847) 491-5415
1808 Chicago Avenue, Room 201Oby appointment only
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Andrew V. Papachristos The John G. Searle Professor of Sociology(847) 467-1250
1810 Chicago Ave, Room 223Pvirtual and by appointment
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Mary PattilloHarold Washington Professor of Sociology and Chair, Department of Black Studies(847) 491-3409 (Sociology); (847) 491-2036 (AFAM)
1808 Chicago Avenue, Rm 202 (Sociology); 5-111 Crowe Hall (AFAM)PVariable Summer Office Hours.
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Christine PercheskiAssociate Professor of Sociology(847) 491-2697
1812 Chicago Avenue, Room 203PThursdays 11:15am-12:15pm, or by appointment
Monica PrasadAd Hoc Professor of Sociology (847) 491-3899
1810 Chicago Ave, Room 327Pby appointment only
Lincoln QuillianProfessor and Chair of Sociology(847) 491-7488
1812 Chicago Avenue, Room 303Qby appointment only
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katrina quisumbing kingAssistant Professor of SociologyEmail1808 Chicago Ave, Room 209 QBy appointment
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Beth Redbird Assistant Professor of Sociology(847) 467-3985
1810 Chicago Avenue, Room 121RTuesdays and Thursdays 5:00-5:30pm
Michael Rodríguez-MuñizAd Hoc Assistant Professor of SociologyRby appointment only
Make an appointment by email
David SchieberAssistant Professor of Instruction(847) 467-0917
1810 Chicago Ave, Room 321STuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm
Doron Shiffer-SebbaAssistant Professor of SociologyEmail1808 Chicago AveSBy appointment only
Karrie Ann SnyderAssociate Professor of Instruction and Director of Undergraduate Studies(847) 467-0517
1808 Chicago Avenue, Room 106SMondays 12:30-1:30pm, 3:30-4:30pm (zoom or in-person) and Tuesdays 10-11am (zoom only), no appointment needed
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Quincy Thomas StewartAssociate Professor of Sociology (847) 491-7044
1810 Chicago Ave, Room 322SMondays 4:00-5:30pm (ZOOM) and by appointment
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Oscar StuhlerAssistant Professor of SociologyEmailSby appointment only
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Susan ThistleAssociate Professor of Instruction EmeritaEmailT
Celeste Watkins-HayesAd Hoc Professor of Sociology and African American StudiesWby appointment only
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Kate WeisshaarAssociate Professor of SociologyEmail1812 Chicago AveWby appointment
Annie WilkinsonSPAN Postdoctoral FellowWBy appointment only